When you think about it, February is a stupid month to add an extra day. I would like an extra day in June or September. Even August or March would be better than February.
Think about it. Wouldn't July 32nd be a great day! That is an extra beach day. An extra fun in the sun day. Not an extra mid-winter slush-fest.
Anyway, here is a view from our house to show you how the One World Trade Center is moving along. That is it on the right side of the picture - far away in red.
The blue in the foreground is from the hotels across the street. And the Empire State Building is in white.
I'm going to rant after the break, so just move on.
FYI - One World Trade (no longer the "Freedome Tower") is in Red to celebrate the new Cardinal Timothy Dolan. He was just promoted to Cardinal for telling the New York Times that legally voting and passing Gay Marriage in the state legislature was EXACTLY like North Korea outlawing Christianity. Apparently hyperbole and lies are not dis-qualifiers from Cardinalism. You would think breaking Commandment 9 (Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour) would at least tamp the breaks on getting the Red Robes - but not with Pope Hitler-Youth. Or perhaps Pope H-Y defines "neighbour" in some other manner that everyone else does. Reminds one of "depends on what the meaning of "is" is" - right?
It's okay though, New Jersey is paying for the color change. The World trade Center complex is $11 Billion or so over budget. A few years late and Billions of dollars short - and the Port Authority raises tolls to New York on the George Washington Bridge to $15... but they are willing to blow money on Cardinal North Korea. Whatevs