Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cardinal Dolan paid ABUSERS $20,000 to shut up and leave

Cardinal Dolan is known for two things.  His constant hatred of seam sex marriage (we are turning into North Korea for this) and his insistence that Birth Control Pills should not be allowed under health insurance for any woman that works - however tangentially - with the Catholic Church.
Well, now there is a 3rd.  While he was the Fat Cheese in Milwaukee, he authorized payments of up to $20,000 to Pedophile Priests to get them to leave the church.  Yes - he bribed the Priests that screwed little kids to quit the church and say nothing happened.  THAT seems a little worse than same sex marriage.
At least he was honest about it though, right?
HA fucking HA.  He LIED about it to the authorities and newspapers.  Isn't lying one on the big 10 no now?  Story
I am on my way across the ocean and hate to leave on this note, but life is what it is.
hi ho