Friday, July 06, 2012

Shaving Cream (Gel)

I am fairly well convinced that there is no proper amount of shaving gel.
I mean I always get way too much, unless I think about it.  Then I get way too little.
Now, if I use "Lush" Shaving cream, I get the right amount, but it is $19.00 per tub.  And with tax that makes it over $20.  And I cannot pay more than a $20 bill for shaving cream I can get for less than $5 via Gillette - too much or not.
Speaking of Shaving... I think the firs time I watch TV and realized I was different from other boys was when the shaving guy would come on in the towel and shave.  I wanted to grow and shave right that minute!

Made me feel all too tingely