Monday, October 22, 2012

I am surprised...

I find myself amazed that the terrorist attack on Benghazi Libya factors so much into the Presidential campaign.  It seems to me fairly simple.
A terrorist group used a popular uprising as the perfect cover to launch a pre-planned attack on a consulate.  In the mist of a Middle East revolutionary environment, an uproar over a stupid-ass movie and a Presidential Campaign where the challenger will politicize anything - there was confusion and an inability to find out exactly what happened within the current 24 hour news cycle.  And so, in a land where "no comment" is defined as an apology, the administration said some contradictory things.
Rather than present a untied front to the world, Mitt Romney and Fox News are proclaiming this as some giant LIE.  This attack supports Al Queda, by the fucking by, because the Al Queda line that "the USA always lies."
That this - this pissant molehill of faked outrage - would turn the US election is asinine.  Not unbelievable mind you, but asinine.
After all more than 40% of Republicans think the President is Muslim and wasn't born in the United States, so nothing surprises me.
Well, that's not true, the fact that 43% of Americans don't believe in Evolution DOES surprise me.  Just a shade fewer than the 45% of Muslims that don't believe in Evolution.  On the other hand approximately 63% of Republicans don't believe in Evolution; so there Muslims - Republicans can reject more truths than you.  Muslims still have them beat on the 70something virgins thing - so you got that going.
But I digress.  Let me just say this.  Apparently it is thought that this election might well turn on an actual attack on Americans in Bengazi - where in 2004 none of the election turned on the fact George W Bush MADE UP FACTS ABOUT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION TO INVADE A COUNTRY.  Which, by the by, 63% of Republicans still believe, although 79% say they follow foreign affairs closely (2012 Darmouth Findings)
Jefferson Wept.