Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sore Losers

Some losers in the Presidential race are gracious and move on - Bob Dole & George W.H. Bush are great examples.
On the other hand, Mittens Romney and Paul Ryan are joining the McCain / Palin conga line of whiners.
President Obama has twice saluted Romney personally and repeatedly in the press.  The President has reached out to get ideas on how to move the country forward.  You would think that if Mittens was concerned with the best interest of the USA - which is ostensively why he ran for President - he would accept and work to help the country.
But no, the happy shiny Mormon has no such motivation.  His response was petty and mean spirited. Romney - in a phone call with supports - said the President won by give-aways.  Including:
- "partial forgiveness of student loans"  When in fact Mr. Obama (AND Congress including Paul Ryan your running mate) kept the rate at 3.8% instead of letting it raise to 6.7%.  This at a time when basic rates are in the 2.5% zone - and banks are getting their money from the fed for less than 1%.

- "letting college students stay on their parents health insurance"  Because those damn kids should be kicked off, even though this is a money maker for insurance companies.

- My personal favorite "Free contraception under Obamacare gave an extra incentive to college age women".  Which means, I guess, they are dirty sluts?  And why is it that "free viagra" to old white men isn't a give away or incentive.  Oh yeah, they forget they got it right after they finish and roll over to fall asleep.

- "free health care in perpetuity was highly motivating to those making between $25,000 and $35,000 as well as Hispanic and African American voters..." Which of course is crap, since it is insurance plan based on Republican ideas in general and Mitt Romney's plan in Massachusetts in particular.  However access to basic health care seems reasonable to me, so maybe I am jaded .. or maybe I just saw the emergency rooms of California over run by people who didn't have health care and caused the closure of 90% of our trauma centers.
But Mittens was positively gracious compared to Paul Ryan.  Young Turk Ryan blamed the lose on record breaking turn out in "urban areas" and that turned the vote for him.  Hummm, "urban voters" who did you think he meant?
"Urban" Iowa
 Iowa and New Hampshire - which Obama won?
Janesville Wisconsin (which Ryan represents in the house) which President Obama won?
Or do you think that by "Urban Voters" he meant those damn minorities.
Like "urban music"and "urban fashion" are used to describe Rap and Hip-Hop clothes?
Just like Bill O'Reily blamed it on a loss of White American Tradition.
Come guys, get a freakin' grip.  The Senate is 96% Non-Hispanic White and 80% male.  The supreme court is 77% Non-Hispanic White and 77% male.
In fact, what killed your ass with White Male voters in Ohio & Michigan was Obama's "give-away" to the Auto industry that you opposed.  You remember, the one that saved millions of jobs with minimal cost.
Dear Paul Ryan, you are marginally gracious at taking praise in the past - I am surprised you are so ugly and mean-spirited in defeat.  As for Mitt Romney, most everyone who heard that 47% speech knew already that he hated anyone making less than half a million dollars a year.
If you would have governed as mean and nasty as you are in defeat, perhaps we all dodged a bullet.