So it is just started previews, but last night I saw Cat on a Hot Tin Roof with Scarlett Johansson and Benjamin Walker (he of Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson) as well a Debra Monk.
Okay, confession, I never saw nor read Cat on a Hot Tin Roof before. Elizabeth Taylor is always a little to Elizabeth Taylor for me to lose her in a role, so I just never watched it. Although I have seen clips of Paul Newman as Brick...
Anyway, it was a GREAT show. And Scarlett Johansson spends act 1 in a slip and Benjamin in a towel and those are 2 of the most good-looking people I have ever seen. The set is a huge bedroom with the big blowing curtains - and the 2 of them wander and prowl that stage like crazy.
I was surprised how much of the show is Brick's - because all the clips I have seen is always Elizabeth Taylor. It was a huge cast (which also surprised me) with too many of those no-neck monsters (a phrase that is overused in context).
It was just amazing.