So, since my old play buddy (Rowan) has skedaddled off to Los Angeles - yes he moved from New York to LA, he is originally from Merced. If you don't know Merced, it was were American Graffiti was filmed, because it looked like the 50s in the late 70's; I believe now it looks late 70ish - but I digress.
Since Rowan moved, I have been sans play-buddy. You know, someone you go to a play with once a week. Eddie has agreed to be my new play buddy - as long as I promise not to get all Russian Marxist Absurdist 3hours on his ass. Fair enough.
So last night we went and saw If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet. I was suppose to go near the opening and review it, but then I got tickets to the Men's Semis at the US Open and I gave away my tickets. So I was thrilled to see it.
Jake and the family after he knew the daughter had a date. |
This is Jake Gyllenhaal's New York debut (he has played in London before) in a Nick Payne show. Mr. Payne is n extremely well received, young British Playwright. Jake was very good, albeit with a hard to place accent that roamed from the East End to Dublin at times. He is the catalyst for his brother's family to examine their marriage, and a sympathetic ear for their daughter (a fantastic Annie Funke) to go to. The daughter is being bullied at school and ignored at home.
A Very Good Jake Gyllenhall and an amazing Annie Funke in If There Is I Havent' Found It Yet. |
Anyway, it was about ignoring what you don't want to see - and how tough that is when you choose to ignore your family. I liked it a lot, and Ed seemed to mainly enjoy it.