Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Pronunciation Guides in Wikipedia are Useless

Okay, I know that I am old, but in my day the dictionaries had pronunciation guides which were comprehensible. Short vowel sound in lower case, long vowel sound in lower case with a bar over it, only the upside down e was tough to learn.
So here is the pronunciation for "Aquitaine" in Websters: ˈa-kwə-ˌtān
- Frist syllable: short a and this syllable is emphasized.
- Second syllable: well the kw is the qu sound, so no problem the upside down e is as in bleh.
- Third syllable with a long a.
But Wikipedia, on the other, suffers from design by committee.  Here is their pronunciation of
"Aquitaine": French pronunciation: ​['tɛn]English /ˌækwɪˈtn/
To which I can only say... what?  If you gave me only this, without the actual word, I would have no idea what it is: