I don't have a particular feeling one way or the other on this - actually that isn't true.
I worry about home schooled people in general. The best home schooled get a better education that many public schools, the worst of them are not taught science or history or anything that conflicts with the parents' world-view. But my problem is with home schooling education, the athletics side of it..., I don't have an opinion on.
But I do have an opinion on the actual poll response as stated.
The "Yes" answer has a clause that annoys me. "Yes, they have as much right to high-quality athletics as everyone else."
Access to "high-quality athletics" isn't a RIGHT. Access to an education is a right. Access to athletics is a privilege. It might be that you have to maintain a certain GPA. It might be that you have to be lucky enough to live near the right school (one that excels at the athletics you hanker for). It might be that you live where the athletics aren't cut for cost savings - like music or art has been cut.
Priorities are askew.
And what if a great athlete, but lousy student, starts failing school. Can they then be home-schooled, avoid the education requirements and just play ball?
I am sure that would never happen. Just like I am sure that parents never hold their kids back a year or two so they are bigger and have an athletic edge. FYI - that is sarcasm as parents do that all the time from Orange County California to Orange County Florida.