So this is an odd thought. I have been following political discussions for a while and I am perplexed by the Republicans. I have friends that are Republicans and I don't understand the hatred towards Obama. He is vilified for passing or suggesting Republican Ideas.
"ObamaCare?" Based on market incentive Health Care proposed by the Heritage Group and implemented by a Republican at the State level.
Universal Background Checks? Based on initiatives that the NRA supported under a Republican President.
Republicans demanded a budget that held Social Security increases to Chained CPI - done. They called it dead on arrival.
"Tax Increases?" Obama extended, permanently, the Bush tax cuts on those making less than $400,000 per year.
"War on Terror?" He killed Osama Bin Laden, expanded an arguably illegal drone program into countries well beyond the scope of the declared war and bombed Libya. The Republicans have cast themselves into a tizzy about a Benghazi bombing.
Which begs the question, what the hell to the Republicans want? Their policies are being implemented. President Obama is a pretty lousy Democratic leader (I supported Hillary, so don't blame me).
And I so I find myself hoping that Republicans are racists about Obama. That would be bad, but at least it would mean there is hope for the future. Because if it isn't racism, and Republicans can't wrap their heads around working with this guy on ideological grounds, there is something wrong with them. And they better hope that the next leader is not Hillary. Because if she didn't learn that Republicans hate Democrats totally under Bill, she certainly has learned it under Obama. I don't expect her to be nearly as nice as either of them were / are.