Wednesday, September 25, 2013

All Would Change

Nuclear Fusion would change everything.  It would be revolutionary like oil and steam were at the beginning of industrial age.
Would it all be good?  Of course not - nothing is.
It would reduce employment opportunities for oil workers, coal miners and some others.  Because of the existing stock of cars and the ramp up to building power plants, it would be gradual - but it would be fatal.
BUT Nuclear Fusion produces almost unlimited energy with no carbon footprint.
So the investment (in power plants) might be high - but the payback would be fantastic.  Basic fuel is abundant (hydrogen and oxygen gasses) - as well as geographically dispersed.  No wars over stores of oxygen.  And the "waste" is water so it would be so the accidental radioactivity component, so apparent in Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island is removed.
Cheap, unlimited free power.  Stuff dreams are made of.