Sunday, July 06, 2014

Get the Hell out of Israel is my Advice

So this is Tariq Kehdir.  He is a 15 year old boy from Tampa who's parents took him to the Israeli Occupied Jerusalem for summer vacation to visit relatives.

This is the before picture of an American kid.  The after picture is after he was arrested by the Israeli's.  He wasn't actually arrested.  He was beaten to a pulp, held for 4 days without charges and then released without charges but told not to leave the country. (Pictures for Haaretz the Jerusalem paper)
Of course, it could have been worse.  His cousin, in fact, was revenge kidnapped by Israeli settlers and then burned alive.  Yes, the Israeli officials said burned alive.
What did his cousin do?  Nothing.  But 3 Israeli teenagers were earlier kidnapped and killed.  Since they haven't found the actual perpetrators of that yet, some radicals decided to kill a random Palestinian Teenager.  And, undercover police beat the shit out of Tariq here as he tried to get out.  He was, apparently, standing outside of his relatives home and then ran away from police
So, if this is my kid - I would get the hell out of Israel.  I don't care what they say, I would take my kid to the US Embassy and camp out - calling every news organization there was until they let me go home.