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Is Faye Reaching for Helen's Boob? |
Supergirl is
a sad day movie. It is a sad day movie
because it is soooo horrible it is funny.
And, while the director and actors might not have been attempting to
make a camp classic, the editor was clearly in on it, trying to salvage
something out of this red-hot mess of a movie.
Where to
begin on this mess? It was obviously a
quickie attempt to cash in on the Superman phase of Christopher Reeve. Helen Slater portrays Supergirl as
written. And she was written as naïve to
the point of stupidity. And bland. Really Bland.
In fact, between Helen Slater and Christopher Reeve, it seems that
Krypton supplied the world with emotionless super-bores.
Fear not,
kids. There is enough scene chewing
personality supplied by others in this thing.
Linda Lee / Kara Kor-el (even her names are
boring) is up against the villains of Faye Dunaway and sidekick Brenda
Vacarro. Of these, Brenda Vacarro is the
only one who comes out smelling like a rose.
Brenda Vacarro seems to be in on the joke the entire time (Peter Cook to
Faye Dunaway “I am very serious, Madam.”
Brenda Vacarro from the peanut gallery, “If you’re serious, why are you
wearing that outfit?” She is,
quite correct, the outfit seems to be from some sort of alien sub-plot that was
cut late in the movie.)
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Perter Cook trains Faye Dunaway and Brenda smokes in the background. |
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Supergirl helps Quarterback Hart Bochner |
Dunaway’s natural tendency towards overacting is well served here where she
plays carnival faker “the Amazing Selena”, who becomes a real Witch (as in
“wicked”) when she gains control of Krypton Orb of Power – kind of a super-egg. Not since the “she’s my daughter / she’s my
sister” shtick has her crazy eyes worked so well.
Bochner, back when he was young and dreamy, plays the heroine role. That is, his job in this mess is to wander
into a problem and get nabbed by the bad guy.
That bad guy, in this movie, being Selena - the Wicked Witch with the Super-Orb
of Power. How high was the writer of
this? So high that at one point Hart is
stuck in a tower as the evil queen is using John Deere tractors to ransack a
small town in Kansas that Hart sees out of the Tower on the Cliff in
Kansas. Kids, this is CLASSIC. (For
those non-Americans, Kansas has no cliffs, nor any gothic towers.)
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Faye and Brenda study the Orb of Power. |
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Hart - "Chained" and waiting to be rescued |