Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Movie of the Day – July 15: The Cat and the Canary (Bob Hope / Paulette Godard version)

The silent movie The Cat and The Canary made just a few years before this talkie version and it was the first of the “Heirs in Haunted House” movies.  It was the model for nearly all that came after.

The Cat and the Canary with Bob Hope and Paulette Godard took this same movie and added some quick wit and a love interest.  You have to toss out your pre-conceptions of Bob Hope, because he wasn’t all slapstick and buffoon yet.  He was a comedy man, and uses it particularly well here, but still possible to think of as a hero.  Here the comedy was more integrated into the story, not an aside to the audience.
Bob Hope and Paulette Godard
Set on a bayou in Louisiana, old man money bags is dead.  The surviving heirs have to spend the night in the house (ten years later) for the reading of the will.  If the primary heir (not reveled) dies, then the money goes to everyone else.
Spooky things happen, things go bump in the night, an inmate escapes from a nearby mental asylum – plot points that are old and worn now, but were still fresh then.  Paulette Godard is great.  And the supporting cast is appropriately scared or scary.
The Main Cast (Douglas Montgomery, Paulette, Bob and John Beal)

I like it not only for its history, but as a first class fun movie.  Warning that most prints of this are a little washed out.