Rush Limbaugh is a jack-ass. He is normally on my non-Nincompoopery list with Sarah Palin, Michelle BachmanTurnerOverdrive, Ann Coulter and Al Sharpton. But today, he is of a theme. A nut-job crazy right-wing media, theme.
Fox News Analysts are blaming our President Obama for aMalaysian Airliner being shot down in Ukraine. These are seriously deranged people. How much do you have to hate a President to accuse him of this.
Rush's comments (LINK). I mean, you talk about... I don't want appear to be callous here, folks, but you talk about an opportunity to abandon the Obama news at the border? And, no, I'm not suggesting anything other than how the media operates. Anyway, it's eerie. It is really eerie.
Todd Starnes Tweets. (LINK).
Geraldo also said some inane thing, but do we care about him anymore? You know unless you are looking for an empty mob vault on Fox News?
Remember how we used to complain about Bush the Younger and they all screamed at us "You Have To Honor The Office! Even if you don't like the President, you have to honor the office." Or when they said we were "unpatriotic" to disagree with Cheney's wild eyed war fever. Well these jackanapes are just bad all the way around.