Tuesday, July 08, 2014

This Would be a Shock in a Foreign Country

So, there were 82 shootings and 12 deaths over the July 4th week-end in Chicago.  That brings the total for 2014 to 200 deaths (LINK).
You may have heard the number 70.  That was update to 82 after Sunday.
The 82 number is through 3:30 AM Sunday Night / Monday Morning

Just as a comparison, there have been 33 deaths of American Forces in Afghanistan this year.  This year PLUS 2013 there were less than 160 deaths. (LINK) WTF?  It is arguable much safer to patrol a country at war as an invading / supporting power in the (Semi-)Middle East than it is to walk in much of South Chicago.
There is no way to blame any one thing.  Not poverty, not race, not mind-set, not lack of gun control.  But it is odd that we Americans are inured to this.  It hardly makes the news anymore.
Odd and very sad.