Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Montana and FCBs

Well, my mom lives in Montana and has, more than once, explained that California Transplants are not always the most welcome of refugees.  Something about driving up prices, driving like idiots, looking shocked when confronted with a deer kill and generally being liberal pains-in-the-ass.
This graph, from the New York Times, helps explain the animosity.  There are a hell of a lot of Californians moving there.
You can't see the X Axis, but it is time since 1910
Californians became the prime movers in about 1998
For a state that usually had migrants from North Dakota, Iowa or Minnesota, adjusting to Californians (and later latte-sipping Seattleites) could not have been an easy transition.
You can go to the site and look up any state to see where the inbound population is from over time.  Very cool.  And California's is mainly from overseas (Mexico and Asia).