Thursday, August 21, 2014


Here is a Quiz:  This pictures are from Ferguson or Elsewhere?







------------ Select More for Answers-------------

a)  Not Ferguson - This is Ukraine during their civil war.  The number 71 on the sign is the key this isn't Ferguson.

b) Ferguson.  Key given away is the gas masks.  Tear Gas in War is a War Crime so it is not used in Ukraine and it is too expense for other countries.

c) NOT Ferguson.  Please, there are black policemen in riot gear. Also this is Liberia, you can tell because they don't have the automatic machine guns - they are too expensive.

d) Ferguson.  White super-armed men with multiple automatic machine guns trained on an un-armed black man.  That is a freebie.  (Although points for "diversity" as there is a African-American Police National Guard with a machine gun trained on the obvious terrorist threat).

e) Not Ferguson.  I will say this was tough, you might have to expand to figure this out.  True, the victim is black, but so is the Policeman.  You can tell it is not Ferguson because that is an AK47 - and US Police have Automatic Weapons from the US Military - which doesn't use the Kalshnikov.

f) Ferguson.  Clearly as the Policeman is seated on an armed personal carrier (a Bearcat) for a good view of the battle terrain of Ferguson Missouri.

g) Ukraine : they are smiling and not carrying massive guns to intimidate people.

How did you do?