Sure, everyone knows about the flood, and the gays, but how much do you know? Which of the following should be put to death (according to the Bible - mainly Leviticus - but spread out in other places as well).
1) Neil Patrick Harris
2) Angelina Jolie
3) Red Lobster’s All-You-Can-Eat CrabFest
4) Bacon Cheeseburger (eaters)
5) Cheeseburger (eaters)
6) Hamburger (eaters)
7) This Garden (planter)
8) This Haircut (recipient)
9) This Dress (designer and producer)
10) Brigham Young
11) Toyota-Thon
12) This Slave Master
13) This Girl (reliable church goer)
14) This Woman (reliable church goer)
15) This Man (Adam Levine)
1) Neil Patrick Harris
Death to Neil - Leviticus (18:22) is a no homo zone.
2) Angelina Jolie
Death to Angelina (and Brad!) No Adultery - Leviticus 20:10
3) Red Lobster’s All-You-Can-Eat CrabFest
Death to those bargin hunters who eat aquatic animals without fins or scales (Deuteronomy 14:9).
4) Bacon Cheeseburger
Death to Bacon Cheeseburger - no pork. Leviticus 11:7
5) Cheeseburger
Tried to remove Pork... no quite good enough. Death to those who mix meat and dairy! Exodus 23:19
6) Hamburger
This is okay! Provided it is fully cooked. Any bloody juices, Death (Genesis 9:4)
7) This Garden
Death to Gardeners. Leviticus 19:19 - you can't plant more than one type of seed on single field.
8) This Haircut
Death, and not due to bad taste. No trimming the back or sides of the hair. Leviticus 19:27
9) This Dress
Ugly and DEATH. Wearing a dress woven from more than one type of cloth. Leviticus 19:19. Otherwise a sin against taste.
10) Brigham Young
Death, but not for what you expect. Leviticus 20:14 says multiple wives is A-OK. But you aren't allowed to marry a mother AND her daughter.
11) Toyota-Thon
DEATH. No selling Toyotas (or anything else) on the Sabbath. Exodus 20:10
12) This Slave Master
The slave master here is a-ok.
The slave, on the other hand, is being disobedient by objecting, that is a sin punishable by DEATH. (Ephesians 6:5)
13) This Girl
She is good. She attends church once a week.
14) This Woman
Depends, does she attend church every week? Then DEATH - women who are "unclean" (experience menstruation) cannot attend church within a week of that special time. (Leviticus 15:28)
15) This Man
Adam Levine. Death - this time for tattoos (Leviticus 19:28) You know, as opposed to a sinfully handsome face.