One of the by products of life that I find amusing, or infuriating - depending on my mood, is
the simplistic faux outrage pieces that seem to arise on political Echo Chamber
and then get ignored. Often you can’t
discuss this "pretend" issues with people because their minds are set, for
example a number of Facebook friends on both sides were lost in the “Ground
Zero Mosque” kerfuffle.
So let’s take a wander through the “where is the outrage
now?” zone. Mainly the items that stick
with me are the Fox News Freak Outs! (TM), but I am sure my Republican friends (and
yes, I have some) have some equally ready examples from the Left-o’sphere.
Ground Zero Mosque
Ah, remember this one.
This was a quite the time, remember everyone? The world was going to end if there was a
mosque at Ground Zero. Because Muslims
praying was the end of New York City as we know it. Result – there is a mosque at 51 Park (ground
zero mosque) and Fox news is still toiling away on 6th Ave. where it
always was.
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
This one was the outrage that Obama freed a captive in
Afghanistan. Because the US never leaves
a man behind – which is why Obama sucked.
Until Obama got Bergdahl freed, then the shit hit the fan that Obama
gave away the store. Senator McCain, in
the space of a week, went from pushing for a deal to denouncing that exact
deal, because Obama did it. Fox news
found some veterans that went on TV publicly to say they think Bergdahl
cooperated with the enemy (those men were paid to attack another enlisted man –
fyi). Fox and the Republican Party was
all over this, because innocent until proven guilty doesn’t include anyone that
Obama has ever helped, even a Army enlistee captured by the enemy. Where are they now? Bowe Bergdahl is still it the Army working at
Fort Sam Houston in Texas.
Sue the President!!
Come on, you remember this one. House Leader John Boehner demanded (and got)
authorization less than three months ago to sue the President. Because he was a dictator! Come on, you remember. Don’t lie.
Well the Republicans in a high-minded, purely non-ideological way
decided that they would sue the President for doing his job. They got authorization and stated that they would sue
ASAP. Apparently ASAP is sometime more than 3
months because it entails walking a good ten minutes to the court-house.
We are going waaaay back here. There was quite the buzz about Obama having
too many policy Czars (or Tsars).
Remember? Sure he had less than
Bush or Clinton – but too many, damn it!
You know until they wanted an Ebola Czar. Someone to get things done!
Of course, after getting that Czar, they didn't like him.
Of course there were many more (Obama Hates Israel! Obama
Won’t Bomb Syria! Obama Shouldn’t Bomb Libya! Obama Apologies To Everyone! Obama doesn’t Show Enough Deference! Obama was Born in Kenya! Obama’s Grades included B’s! Obama is a
Socialist / Communist / Nazi / Dictator / Muslim / Anti-Colonial Marxist). All will be forgotten in tomorrow’s latest