Thursday, August 06, 2015

Jon Stewart leaves the Daily Show and Scooter Weeps a Little

Jon Stewart is leaving the Daily Show and I am dealing with it as best I can.
I don't love Jon Stewart because he calls out Fox.  It is just a happy side effect.
Adios Motherf*cker
No, here is the thing.  I am a little crazy.  In the same way the Sun is a little hot or Lindsey Graham is a little gay.  That is, I am way crazy.
And, being way crazy, I often find reality too much for me.  The casual indifference to our nation's poor.  The international bombings and wars we start, participate in and/or finance - and we then ignore.  The all consuming hatred our Christian TV talking heads show, which seems diametrically opposed to the whole "Christian Love" ideal.
So then I wonder if reality is more nuts than I am, and a deadly spiral can begin.
Jon Stewart sees the same craziness, and makes fun of it.  He laughs, he scolds, he snarks, he belittles.  But most of all, he makes me feel not alone when I often feel that I am.  I get why he wants to leave, it's hard having to deal with this 24/7.  To do it on TV must be wearing on your soul.
But, for me, it will be harder when he is gone.
Stephen Colbert was too meta for me.  His schtick was to embrace the crazy and run with it.  I hesitate to embrace the crazy ('down that road, thar be lions).
And so, I will miss Jon Stewart.  I will miss someone telling me that my world view makes sense.  That I am not alone in my particular craziness.
Alas and alackaday.