Thursday, August 06, 2015

The Donald: Mascot of the Month for August

Donald Trump.  Perhaps an odd mascot.  But perhaps not if you knew how much I dread August.  (This is written the morning before the first debate.  If he blows up there, he might already be an anomaly).
American, You're Fired!
Donald Tump is the distilled essence of almost everything that is wrong with my country's political system right now.  And this is not an attack on Republicans, he could change his rhetoric only marginally and probably be doing just as well as a Democrat.
Some mascots show the best in us (Team Rubicon - where veterans use there skills in emergency situations like Nepal or the Oklahoma tornadoes), some mascots are just cute as bugs and I like them (I'm looking at you, Lleyton Hewitt), some remind me of home (UCLA) and some are just in the front of my mind at that moment (Joseph Gordon-Levitt).
Donald Trump though.
Donald Trump serves as a warning to all Americans - this man is the signpost of the political apocalypse.  A huge ass "Danger Ahead!" sign.
Our political system has descended into a bloviating theater of the absurd. "Embarrassing", doesn't begin to describe it.
Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid are two examples of "leaders" who have reached the pinnacle of success by sheer obstinance.  Nothing gets done, nothing gets passed.  They only grandstand and yell.  Each party is busy trying to get on TV and raise funds
So, why bother to elect someone to get things done at all?  When not cut right to the best yelling grandstander to start with, Donald Trump?
He's already got the yelling, for no point, in front of a flag down pat.  Score 1.
At least Donald Trump is honest.  Stupid, racist and thoughtless, but honest. While most Republicans couch their words in by saying things like "protect the border first" - what they mean is no more immigrants.  Immigration is lower and deportation higher than anything in the last 50 years.  But the voters, trained to ignore the truth, don't care.  "Build a Wall", as rhetoric works.
Republicans have spent 8 years tearing down everything President Obama has done.  As if nothing can be accomplished under this President, that isn't a sell out.  Well, if that is what you say enough, then some people will learn to believe that the President should be a hero.  He shouldn't compromise or try to reach agreements.  Just do it.  Donald sells himself as a hero.  And goodness knows he won't compromise.  So you get what you advertise for, what did you expect?
He already knows how to point out others' flaws. Score 2
As for money, Republicans (and many Democrats) have made Capitalists the High Priests of Democracy.  For Republicans, only they are entitled to the supreme honorific, "job creators".  Republicans preach that any money given to the richest trickles then down to the peasants.  Our Supreme Court has equated money with speech, as if only those with billions deserve to be heard.  So when we get a Capitalistic Carnival Barker as candidate, he immediately has the gravitas the system has bestowed on him.  Makes sense.  Cut out the middle man.  Why honor Jeb Bush or Scott Walker as they grovel for money from the teat of the Koch brothers?  Why not go directly to the rich guy ourselves?
Donald removes the middle man from celebrity endorsements.  If we believed him about Mitt, why not about himself?  Score 3.
And celebrity!  The electorate fawns over endorsements from Clint Eastwood or Angelina Jolie.  Screw it, why not elect a celebrity?  Sonny Bono, Jessie Ventura, Al Franken, even Ronald Reagan. All of them took the trail from TV or Movie screen to politics. Why not the Donald?
So Mascot of the Month is Donald Trump.  A man with 4 bankruptcies that knows how to play the system.  Does he really want to be President?  Maybe now.  I mean I think he was primarily trying to build his brand.  But at some point, he has to think, 'Hell yes, I could do this!'
FYI - How to stop The Donald.  You must diminish his strengths.  Don't attack him on policy.  Make fun of his "wealth".  Talk about the bankruptcies and the hotels that went broke.  Make fun of his weak celebrity-ness.  Talk about the fact he only hangs out with washed up singers and beautiful women who he pays.  And it doesn't have to be truthful.  His power is in his image.  You just need to take that down a peg or two and you win.