Thursday, April 28, 2016

This is a Solution Looking for a Problem

A Solution for a non-existent problem.
I mean, say you are looking for a new psychologist, and you find one.  You're gay and he says, "I am not sure I am the right guy to help you on this."  And you, duh, leave.  Legislation not needed.
So you might think, how can this hurt?
Okay, let's say you are a gay (or worse) trans kid.  And your family has turned their back on you and you attempted suicide (gay and lesbian kids are 4 times as likely to attempt or commit suicide than heterosexual kids - in part because of laws like this).  So they assign you a psychologist (which is required after an attempt) - and he comes in and you start talking.  He tells you life is worth living, and you express concern because people don't like gays.   And he says, "Oh wait, you're homosexual - well I don't like dealing with deviants, find some other therapist."
And now that's legal in Tennessee.  Hooray.
Because, what fun is being in state government if you can't make sure everyone knows you hate faggots.