Sunday, July 10, 2016

Deep Breath (thanks Lynn)

So, I'm back.  I can't address much right now, but I can share some great pictures of Vermont.

Eddie and I rented a cabin on Lake Champlain, just outside of Middlebury Vermont for 2 days of the 4th of July week-end.  Now, for those that don't know, there is a Liberal Arts College in Middlebury.  That is where I was originally going to go to College.

I had a Navy Scholarship and I wanted to get far far away from home.  I couldn't afford to live on campus, and the Navy only paid tuition.  A-ha, thought I, Middlebury tuition covers room and board.  So what if I have never been to Vermont.  So what if they have a real winter.  So what if I have to join the Navy.
Trevor - Acting like a Real Dog!
I'll study Russian and International Affairs, and go to Middlebury (they have an amazing Language program).

But that was thwarted when the Navy dropped scholarships there because they wanted Engineers.  So I decided to go to Colorado and sell my Mustang for Room and Board.  But that is another story (spoiler alert, I didn't go to Colorado).
The view from the deck.
Anyway, we decided to rent a great little cabin on the lake.  We took Trevor and had two blissfully quiet and lovely days.
Ed on a neighbor's dock
Me, in the Art Garden at Middlebury College.
More to come.