Nothing pushes Donald out of the news. It is agony.
I try to ignore it all, but it won't go away.
I got sick and couldn't make the trip to England this year with Ed for Christmas. I missed my friends and the holidays and ended up here, in Trump Hell.
Oddly enough Eddie and I have been busy. We've seen movies and friends for lunches. But somehow, at the end of the day - the big Orange Ogre pushes through.
Carrie Fisher, Debbi Reynolds, George Micheal. Superstars have died, and yet news proclaims his latest twitter rant about his large toenail.
George Michael's "You Gotta Have Faith" barely finishes echoing off the TV, when we get a break in the news that Trump thinks the UN Vote was "SAD". It is hard to hold onto to "Faith" after that.
We are heartbroken to see the death of Carrie Fisher, who struggled with, enjoyed and lived in the spotlight, when Trump's tweet about the transition process "NOT" is sadness interuptus. Who ends a tweet with "NOT"? My 6 year old step-brother did than in the 1970s to annoy people.
We know our new President can't take a joke, can't not return a hit and can be taunted with impunity. But it seems like he can't concede the spotlight to anyone at anytime. Eddie asked me if I thought there would be a war with someone soon and I thought it was a silly question.
But Ed is right. Let the new President keep his twitter feed. Without the constant attention he may start a war just to get the TV screens turned back on him.