Friday, December 16, 2016

Random RoundUp

I do love walking around New York. I spot things all the time that fascinate me.  Some I Instagram (@scott9m) others I just take pictures of.  Here is a random sampling with some details.

This is church housing right on Broadway, just south of Union Square. I love the church housing style.  It is so old school Gothic, but cozy.

Ever wonder what a "Home Depot" in New York looks like?  Well, you're looking at it. This is the Home Depot store on 23rd.

We are in between condos right now, and all of our Christmas stuff is in storage. So it is a light and easy holiday.

Random shots around Morningside Park as winter sets in.

I have no idea what this is. It was in the window of a stereo / vinyl record store so I think it is an Amp. But I can't be positive.