Wednesday, October 25, 2017

While Princess Tiny-Hands Was Distracting You

While Princess Tiny-Hands is busy on twitter wars with Republican Senators, Military Widows and any female of color who dares stand up to him...

Well the administration was busy screwing us all. These two things happened yesterday that screw over anyone that a) banks or b) cares about National Parks.

You know, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker and John McCain - I could use a little less self-congratulation about how you "refuse to cow-tow to Trump" and little more actually fucking standing up to Trump!


 So... Ryan Zinke (that great Montana hope as Secretary of the Interior - "he rides a horse") has moved to slash the size of National Monuments with a vote (against precedence and the law),  has already opened more public land - both government owned and parts of the National Park Service managed - to coal production (because coal mining is environmentally friendly) and now wants to double entrance fees to National Parks.

Oddly - and I am actually serious about this: look it the fuck up - the administration is using more budget money to restore and preserve Civil Ware battle fields, because they are int he South.  The Parks where increases are proposed are Far and Mountain West - and Maine. The Southern States that voted Republican are spared in this.