Thursday, September 09, 2004

The Priorities of Nincompoops

Sometimes our priorities amaze me. Really.

Take this page from MSNBC....

Here is a bigger picture. frontMSNBC.jpg The problem is that the headline, the big giant picture headline is about what did or did not happen in the National Guard 35 years ago. What is the most they can prove? Bush is a liar (or truth stretcher)? Is there anyone in the country that hasn't already internalized this? I mean we accept it or we don't or we decide we don't care - but everyone knows it.

But then, what is the small crawl notes.
Hummm... Let's see.
- A New Bombing in Indonesia - well shit, that ain't important
- Health Care Premiums jump 11 1/2 % - Well, those old coots on Medicare can afford it.
- Genocide in Sudan - Sudan - is there oil there?

Nin. com. poop. er. y