Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mascot for February: Jillian

Jillian Barberie is the our local weather wench. You may have seen her on Fox Football broadcast. She basically gives the weather at the football site. She is kind of ... trampy.

But that is not why she is mascot of the month. No, she is the mascot because she cracked us up over Christmas. During one of the morning shows over Christmas, Jillian showed up in, what I hope, was an inebriated state. She showed up the Friday before Christmas in sweat pants, flip flops with her little puppy white dog.

But even that doesn't win a space as Mascot of the Month. No, she actually was showing the weather as a church choir was singing carols in the background. So far, so un-sacreligious. But then she began to dance to the choir in a irreverent and funny manor. Funny and irreverent TO RELIGIOUS CAROLS.

And, danced poorly. Pretty, boob-a-licious Jillian has no rythum. Now that is mascot worthy.