Thursday, November 08, 2012

I Couldn't Agree More

Herman Cain wants a 3rd Party.  It's a headline and a story (you can read here).
I agree.  PLEASE!
I tell you why.  I think there is ample room for a party of fiscal conservative, socially liberal (or libertarian)  people in the country.  Your basic center-right, head out of our bedroom and women's body party.
In the Olden Days (back when I was still a yute) this was the Republican Party of California.  If you look in retrospect, lying ass-wipe Richard Nixon started the Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Air and Water Act (I can't bring myself to admire him though - that whole WaterGate issue was pretty damn bad.)  Ronald Reagan, as Governor of California, signed the legislation that legalized abortion in case of rape, incest, health and well-being of the mother.  Yes Virginia, before Roe V. Wade, Saint Reagan signed the "well-being of the mother" bill to stop back-room abortions.  He also strengthened the University of California system, setting in place the technological bonanza that is Silicone Valley.

Both men were fiscal conservatives, without being crazy stupid about what government should do.  These are Republicans I could vote for.  Not the gauzy image of Ronald Reagan shooting down government, but the actual person that reacted to huge deficits with modest tax increases - a correction of an error.
It all went down the pooper in California with Prop 187, in which Pete Wilson tied the Republican Brand to hating Mexicans.  And with that vote, Wilson got re-elected but put Californian Republicans o the path they have arrived at.  No statewide office is held by Republicans and Democrats have a 2/3s majority in both the State Legislature and the State Senate.
Arizona is going down that road now.  And the  National Republicans are headed down that road.  In fact, probably the Republicans have been heading down that road since Nixon used the "silent majority" line to pull in anti-civil rights voters in 1968.
So please, Herman Cain, take you and the rest of the red-meat, we-hate-anybody-that-ain't-like-us crowd and move it into a third party.  Then maybe the rest of us can have a real discussion without the demagoguery.