Thursday, November 14, 2013

Argh! City Council of Nincompoops

New York City's population is 8.3 million.  That puts our population just below Austria, and just above Switzerland.  Countries like Finland, Denmark, Israel, Slovakia, Ireland, Jordan and Libya have fewer people.  So you'd think, I say think, that for our City Council we would get a bright eyed - smart set of council people right?  Big pool to choose from?
Well, not so much.  Some maybe, but not the ones I watched today.
In talking about how Business Improvement Districts (BID) should work, this one Council woman (from the Upper Side)  described the great BID in her district.  Her BID are working with kids and Columbia University and blah blah.
Well someone pointed out they this group which was requesting formation, that they had talked to residents and had some new ideas...
She interrupted, apparently uncontent to let people address her points or agree with her.  Instead, she wanted to go on record that new Business Improvement Districts should be mandated to think outside the box.
Yes, you read that right.  She wants to mandate that unconventional thinking be required.  Which, of course, makes it conventional and therefore not "out of the box" at all.
I think she is unclear on the concept.